We’ve got some great news to share – first, the school has been approved by the county to hire a Full Time Marine Science teacher. Yay! However, this will not be a county paid position. We need your help more than ever as Principal Norvell has asked the WBS Foundation to cover the cost (cue the fundraising!) of hiring the full-time Marine Science teacher. Our school is special for so many reasons but our Marine Science program is what sets us apart. WBS needs this and we can all work together to make it happen!
With that said, our other good news is that our Brunch with Santa will be held at Bluewater Grill again this year and we hope our WBS families can join us for this fun event.
To allow for more people to attend and enjoy this event, we are offering two options this year – the full brunch buffet option or a continental breakfast option. Each of these will be held at different times.
Also, we are looking for not only corporate sponsorships but also family sponsors to help cover the cost of this event so that we can put more funds towards our goal. Please find the sponsorship and ticket options below.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
_____Santa Sponsor $750 donation to cover the cost of our Guest of Honor; receives admission for 1 family to event.
_____Gold Sponsor $500 donation to cover the cost of some adult beverages to be served complimentary at the Full Brunch event; receives admission for 1 family to event.
_____Silver Sponsor $250 donation to cover the cost of various stations including Cookie Decorating, Crafts, Letters to Santa station, and Hot Chocolate
_____Bronze Sponsor $100 donation to cover the cost of our Raffle Items, Continental breakfast options, or coffee bar
Ticket Options: *availability is limited for both options*
Option 1: $50 per family
9:00-10:00 – light Continental Breakfast (pastries, fruit, etc), Photo Op and visit with Santa, coffee and hot chocolate, letters to Santa.
Option 2: $35 per adult; $25 per child
10:30-12:30 – Full Brunch Buffet, Photo Op and visit with Santa, coffee and hot chocolate, cookie decorating and crafts, letters to Santa.
*1 drink ticket included for each adult ticket purchased*
To purchase tickets, please email Kelly Becker at wbsfoundation1@gmail.com and you will be given the option to pay via credit card or check once your reservation spot is confirmed.